Tag Archives: Smart

Smart and satisfying side gigs for teachers

Summer is coming and which means teachers may have a couple of blissful months of needed rest. But, what if two months without pay is a luxury you may’t afford? Teachers make an average of $47,989 annually in response to a study published by Zippia, with recent teachers earning as little as $32,000. Side gigs for […]

20 Smart Suggestions For Grocery Shopping On A Budget

Let’s speak about grocery shopping on a budget. You’ll be able to cut lattes and your cable bill, however the one thing you may’t cut out of your budget? Food. Food is dear. Whether you’re a student on a low budget or a parent attempting to keep the food bills at bay, we could all use some […]

What To Do With $50K: 18 Smart Ideas To Grow Your Money

Whether you’ve recently gotten lucky or scrimped and saved for a number of years, knowing what to do with 50k is important. Having money within the bank is a singular opportunity. It means you may grow it and have an even larger safety net. So, how are you going to start, and what are the neatest […]

Surviving Tough Financial Times – Smart Money Bro

If you happen to are currently struggling, but surviving tough financial times immediately, it’s vital that you just deal with yourself, your loved ones, and your funds. Take note that it’s normal to be nervous, scared, and unsure. Nevertheless, your most significant job is to secure shelter, food, transportation, keep family close, and prioritize. Here […]