8 Suggestions To Make A Money Vision Board

Learning make a money vision board might be incredibly helpful for financial management. In relation to goals, the adage rings true: “Out of sight, out of mind.” But in case you take the time to create a vision board, you’ll always be reminded of your goals.

As cited in Verywell Mind, vision boards can improve success and mindfulness. For that reason, creating one may help us stay focused on working toward our financial goals.

What’s a vision board?

A vision board is a collage of images and phrases that depict things you would like to accomplish in your future. It’s a visible representation of your hopes and dreams. Its purpose is to function inspiration and motivation for working toward your goals.

Having the ability to see exactly what you would like to accomplish gives you something to work toward, relatively than simply letters on a page. In spite of everything, though there’s still value in writing your money goals down, seeing is believing!

I personally create a money specific vision board yearly to maintain me focused on the cash goals I need to perform.

Why is a money vision board an excellent idea?

If we give it some thought, most goals are connected to our funds indirectly. Our dream house, automobile, and vacation would require money. Having a money vision board may help us stay focused on attaining those things.

A money vision board is an incredible idea since it’s designed to visualise your intentions for money. Whether it’s  lower your expenses, paying off bank card debt fast, or increasing your income, your ideas might be put into visual form.

Financial vision boards often utilize charts (reminiscent of a savings goal thermometer) to trace progress. So in case your vision is to grow to be debt-free, it’s possible you’ll include a debt payoff tracker in your financial vision board.

In relation to saving money, I really like coloring in my savings thermometer as I cross each savings milestone that I’ve set for myself. Just seeing this visualize jogs my memory of the progress I’m making.

Using a vision board to attain your money goals

Using a vision board to your financial goals is not any different from every other goal. The entire point is to create a physical representation of what you would like to accomplish. If you happen to’ve had a tough time handling money prior to now, perhaps this fun exercise will help keep you motivated.

Plus, constructing a board to your money can easily be integrated into your financial planning process. As you develop a plan, simply create a board to go together with it.

For instance, you may consider it as the ultimate seal in your list of cash intentions. Listed here are some steps that I personally use and find helpful. You may leverage them to bring your vision board ideas to life:

1. Choose a physical or digital vision board

There are several alternative ways to make a vision board.

For instance, you may go the old-school route by cutting out words and pictures from old magazines, that is my format of alternative. Or you may make a digital one using an online graphics tool, like Canva. Each options are free and/or very inexpensive, so it just will depend on your personal preference.

Here’s what you’ll have to create a physical vision board:

  • Poster board or cork board: Though most vision boards are pictures glued to a poster board, it’s also possible to use a cork board and tack images as a substitute.
  • Old magazines: You’ll use magazines to seek out pictures, phrases, and other visual inspirations that represent your goals. They’ll should be old since you’ll be cutting things out. Chances are you’ll have the opportunity to grab old editions of magazines out of your local library or convenience store totally free or at a reduced price.
  • Your affirmations or inspiring quotes: These are words, phrases, and sentences that encourage, motivate, and assist you to give attention to what you may achieve.
  • Images from online: If you happen to can’t find old magazines, you may all the time find inspiration online. You may print out images that you simply find suitable.
  • Glue or tacks: You’ll need to connect or tack your pictures to your poster or corkboard. I like to recommend a glue stick in case you’re using glue.
  • Scissors: You’ll cut out images so as to add to your board, so have a pair of scissors handy.

Here’s what you’ll have to create a digital vision board:

  • Powerpoint, Keynote, your Notes app, or a graphics app like Canva
  • Digital images
  • Affirmations or inspiring quotes

2. Write down your financial intentions before you begin

Your intentions shall be your foundation. So, the second step in determining make a vision board is to put in writing down your goals.

These goals ought to be very clear in order that you recognize exactly what you’re trying to perform and the way you’ll accomplish it. One strategy to do that is through the use of the SMART goals method.

This goal-development method teaches you to create specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely goals. When you might have SMART goals, you may easily see what you’re working toward.

For instance, my financial goal could also be to “save $10,000 for emergencies by Dec 31, 202X.” This goal could be very specific; its success might be measured; it’s realistic for me, and it has a timeframe.

Since this goal has a really clear description, finding an appropriate visual representation shall be easy.

Irrespective of what your financial objectives are, it’s vital to obviously define them and write them down on paper before you begin getting creative and constructing your money vision board.

3. Consider including charts and graphs

Whether making a digital or a physical vision board, you would like to select pictures and words that motivate and encourage you.

But don’t ignore numbers! Including charts and graphs alongside the visual elements in your vision board may help make it much more specific to your goals.

Now, if you’re putting together a financial vision board, it’s possible you’ll also include money savings charts. Money savings charts are charts that assist you to with tracking savings for specific goals.

As an illustration, if considered one of your intentions is to repay debt, you would include a debt payoff coloring chart that tracks your progress. Each time you make a payment, mark it in your debt payoff chart—and watch your vision board grow to be your reality!

These charts come is several different styles and formats. You may even design your individual. My favorite money chart is the thermometer format.

4. Place your vision board somewhere you may see it daily

The purpose of making a vision board is to have visual inspiration for the goals that we’re trying to perform.

That said, your board must be in your vision literally. In other words, you might have to place it somewhere you’ll see it daily!

So think: What place do you most frequent in your property? That’s exactly where your vision board ought to be.

Put your board in a spot where you may see it daily. That way, it’ll function a day by day reminder to proceed working toward your vision.

Consider places like your bedroom, office, and even your refrigerator door. You may even take a photograph and make it the screensaver in your cell phone or computer desktop. I actually have mine as my phone screensaver and in addition in my home office.

Moreover, now that you simply’ve created your vision board, take a moment to review it. Is there anything that you would like to add? Do you are feeling motivated?

If you happen to haven’t already, add phrases and money affirmations that align along with your goals.

5. Stay motivated by hosting a vision board party

Everyone knows that there’s quite a lot of temptation to spend and, thus, quite a lot of temptation to stray from our money intentions.

So, to assist yourself stay motivated and on target, consider hosting a celebration.

Gather friends together who’re also focused on improving their personal funds. You may spend the day together outlining your goals, cutting out pictures, and creating your vision boards. Then, you may check in with one another monthly to follow up in your progress.

Imagine it or not, this sense of accountability can go a great distance in helping you achieve your goals. As Forbes explains, “…accountability groups can positively impact task performance and academic performance.”

6. Track your progress with a money journal

Making a board for money goals is an incredible strategy to get inspired and energized to begin working towards your long-term financial goals. But over time, it’s easy to lose a few of this initial momentum.

One strategy to help yourself stay on target along with your personal funds is to begin a money journaling habit.

Money journaling is greater than just writing down what you spend and save every month. It’s also a spot to take notes on the way you feel about your spending and saving, your thoughts in your funds, and your observations in your goal-tracking.

Don’t think journaling is definitely worth the extra step? One study discovered that those that write their goals are 42% more likely to actually accomplish them.

7. Edit as you go

One other strategy to track your progress toward your financial goals is to edit your money vision board.

We already talked about adding money savings charts. But in case you’re not a facts-and-figures person, there’s still one other way you may track your progress visually in your board.

For instance, suppose you’ve added three goals: 1) Repay bank card debt; 2) Start emergency fund; 3) Open retirement account.

Each time you meet a goal, you may draw a giant green checkmark next to it. For one, drawing this checkmark will probably feel satisfying. (You understand that feeling of crossing an item off your to-do list?)

Plus, it’ll be one other visual reminder that you simply are making progress in your goals—which will provide you with more motivation to maintain going.

8. Consider creating multiple vision boards

If you might have quite a lot of different financial goals, making multiple vision board may make sense.

Listed here are just a few different ideas:

For instance, suppose considered one of your goals is to save lots of up for a down payment to grow to be a primary time homebuyer. That may very well be the topic of 1 board, where you’ll include pictures of your dream house and galvanizing quotes about homeownership.

At the identical time, you would possibly have one other financial goal to spend less every month by adopting minimalism. On this vision board, you may give attention to minimalism.

Write down minimalist quotes to remind yourself that less is more, and also you don’t have to buy that latest dress this month. You too can include a chart where you list all of the belongings you desired to buy but didn’t to congratulate yourself in your willpower—and sustain the nice work!

Vision board ideas

If you happen to are still stumped on what to incorporate in your vision board, you may all the time find inspiration on sites like Pinterest. Doing a fast Google search may even lend some examples as well. Keep in mind that your vision board is exclusive to you, so only use them as inspiration.

Travel example

Here is an example of a financial vision board I created several years ago. On the time I used to be on my debt-free journey. I also desired to lower your expenses, overcome budget challenges, and budget effectively in order that I could travel the world.

Image source – girltalkwithfo.com

As you may see, I included phrases like “saving money,” “debt-free,” and “budget” on my money vision board as a reminder of what I used to be working toward. I also included flags and cutouts of various countries I desired to visit once debt-free.

If you might have a keen eye, you’ll notice that debt-free is crossed out and that there’s a checkmark beside the word budget. There’s also a yr under the flag for the UK. That’s because I used to be in a position to actually accomplish these items!

After getting on a budget, I could repay debt, lower your expenses, and travel abroad. There are still several flags and countries that don’t have a yr below them, which implies it’s still something that I’m working toward.

Though this board is several years old, I still keep it nearby as a reminder of the things that I still want to perform financially.

Debt-free & savings example

In case your goal is to grow to be debt-free, here’s a debt-free vision board example. As you may see, this board includes images of somebody cutting up a bank card and a savings goal of 26%. This can be a very vivid representation of their financial goals.

Image source – bloggingawaydebt.com

First home example

Need some inspiration for buying a house for the primary time and even your dream house? Here’s my latest board that features images of home elements I plan to have.

The board also includes images and a phrase related to money. That’s because I’ll have to have money saved and a plan of motion to attain this latest financial goal.

Image source – girltalkwithfo.com

Investing & early retirement example

Are you fascinated with retiring early? Take a look at this easy vision board.

Investing and retiring early often go hand in hand. That’s because in case you can invest strategically, you may withdraw out of your investments to retire early. Learn more about what it means to attain early retirement.

Image source – Ann Schierling

As a reminder, these examples are all meant to encourage you. Find what motivates and inspires you when creating your board.

Expert tip: Keep a positive money mindset

It’s clear that constructing a vision board can play a giant part in helping motivate us to work towards our money goals. But don’t forget to approach it with the appropriate financial mindset.

In spite of everything, learning create a mindset of monetary abundance can assist you to realize your dreams.
Whether you would like to save a certain quantity of cash, retire early, buy a house, etc., a mindset of monetary abundance helps you keep in mind that the goals in your vision board are achievable—and that with the appropriate planning and motion, you may make them come true.

How do you format a vision board?

There are several alternative ways to format a vision board, but step one is to all the time clearly define and set your short and long-term goals.

You may do that digitally, with a Word document, a spreadsheet, or simply your Notes app. Or you may go old-school and just start writing on a blank piece of paper with a pen. You may even get creative and color-code your money intentions with a marker.

After you recognize what your goals are, find images and words that align with them, and add them creatively to your board. It’s all about creating something that’s to your liking visually in order that if you have a look at it you are feeling inspired and motivated. So tap into your inner artist!

You too can find great vision board photos and examples on sites like Pinterest or watch YouTube videos on how you can create a vision board.

What questions do you have to ask yourself when making a financial vision board?

Making a financial vision board isn’t nearly cutting out pictures of things you would like to buy. As an alternative, you’ll want to take the time to take a seat down and really assess your personal funds and your goals.

You may ask yourself questions as they related to your financial goals. For instance, ask yourself:

  • Do I actually have debt I need to repay? How quickly do I need to pay it off?
  • Do I need to construct an emergency fund? How much do I want to save lots of?
  • I need to save lots of for my children’s college education with a 529 plan; What would that cost?
  • Am I saving enough for retirement? How do I bridge any gaps?
  • How do I adjust my retirement strategies to retire at 50 as a substitute of 65?
  • What does my dream home seem like? What views do I need to see from the windows?

Questions like these can assist you to get clear on what you need to place in your vision board.

If you happen to know that having a vision board will assist you to along with your money, these other posts may even encourage you!

Knowing create a money vision board can assist you to improve your funds!

Money vision boards are a particularly priceless tool for helping you reach your financial goals. They’re also a fun exercise, and you may get as creative as you wish when making your individual.

The reality is that merely writing your goals down and visualizing them won’t routinely assist you to achieve them. It’s essential to also do the essential (sometimes hard!) work and hold yourself accountable.

One of the best strategy to try this is to surround yourself with others working toward similar goals. You may even get an accountability partner to work alongside side you.