How To Do A 6 Month Savings Challenge!

Are you seeking to jumpstart your savings? Does saving money feel too hard and even too boring at times? You may turn saving right into a game and complete a 6 month savings challenge!

By completing a 6 month money challenge, you’ll find yourself with a pot of cash, form latest money habits along the way in which, and be inspired to maintain on saving. I can attest to this as I’ve personally used this challenge multiple times to bulk up my emergency savings in addition to save for my other goals.

Able to start? Read on to learn methods to successfully complete a 6 month savings challenge!

What’s a 6 month saving challenge and why do you have to do one?

First things first – what exactly is a 6 month savings challenge? There are various ways to finish one, which we’ll go into more detail about below.

However the major idea is that you simply save somewhat little bit of money every week for the complete six months. And by the top of the challenge, you should have saved up 1000’s – yes, 1000’s – of dollars!

Second, you is likely to be wondering, “Why should you are attempting this challenge?” There are various several types of money savings challenges on the market, equivalent to the 52-week money challenge and the spare change challenge. Why this one?

Well, for anyone who’s serious about saving, there’s nothing higher than a 6 month saving challenge. Listed here are some reasons to try one for yourself:

1. Helps you reach a particular financial goal quickly

Do you’ve got specific financial goals you’re working toward? The challenge is very great for somebody who already has a financial goal in mind, like saving for an epic summer vacation or paying off bank card debt.

It’s a terrific technique to kick off your savings and reach your financial goal, especially in the event you’ve had trouble saving for the long run up to now.

And as I discussed earlier, this challenge has been incredibly helpful in helping me meet my very own goals!

2. Proves to yourself that you simply can save

A positive, growth-oriented mindset is probably the most powerful financial tools you possibly can leverage. One reason why you would possibly not have unleashed the facility of mindset in terms of your funds? You haven’t yet seen the evidence you could actually successfully save.

Once you complete a challenge, that negative mindset will all begin to vary. You’ll prove to yourself that you simply really can save. It’ll increase your confidence and encourage you to try much more things!

3. A 6 month money challenge makes saving fun!

This reason is kind of easy – participating in a challenge is fun! It’s fun to trace your weekly savings, see it add up, and work out what you have to do to make sure you meet your weekly savings goals.

Sometimes, it really does help to place somewhat little bit of fun and play back into something that may feel as serious as personal finance. Adults don’t have as much fun as we should, to start with. There’s no reason why you possibly can’t treat saving like a game, with the prize being a ton of cash!

4. Sets you up with good savings habits that reach beyond the 6 month savings timeframe

Probably the most impactful good thing about participating on this challenge is what’s going to occur after it’s over. Sure, over the course of the challenge, you’ll save 1000’s of coins. That can put you all that much closer to reaching your financial goals.

But the actual, lasting advantages of the challenge are the saving and spending habits you’ll have created. In case you persist with something for six whole months, you’re prone to integrate that habit into your life without having to even give it some thought. You’ll have turned yourself right into a money-saving master!

Two ways to do the 6 month money challenge

The thought behind the challenge is to avoid wasting a certain amount of cash every week for the complete period. You may do that any way you wish.

Whether you save $5 per week or $500, you’ll still find yourself on top at the top of the challenge! You may even save more on the primary week of the 12 months and fewer on the second week so long as all of it adds as much as your required amount. 

Nevertheless it helps to have more guidance than that. So, listed below are two ways to finish the challenge that can prevent either $2,000 or $5,000!

Option 1: Save $2,106

Saving this fashion is a wonderful option for those seeking to ease into saving while still accumulating over $2,000 in savings in only six months. Here’s methods to do that version of the challenge:

Through the first week, you save $6.

Then, every week after that, you contribute $6 more to your savings account than you probably did the previous week (i.e., on week two, you save $12 in week three, $18 in week 4, $24, and so forth).

By the top of the challenge (week twenty-six), you’ll contribute $156.

And, by the top, your savings will amount to $2,106! You should use money savings charts to assist you keep track.

Option 2: Save $5,018

Want to avoid wasting much more? In case you’re really serious about saving in a brief period of time, check out this version.

It’ll assist you save over $5,000 in only six months! It’s exertions, however it is value it to see that number in your savings account:

Every week, you save the identical amount – $193. It’s really that easy and simple!

Alternatively, you possibly can contribute twice that quantity ($386) every other week. Doing so is a great option for those who wish to do a biweekly budget. Every time your paycheck hits, you possibly can robotically deposit $386 into your savings.

By the top of this version of the challenge, your savings will total $5,018!

Easy methods to successfully complete your 6 month savings challenge

Setting the goal to avoid wasting a certain quantity of cash or do a 6 month savings challenge is one thing. But that’s just step one, and, quite frankly, that’s the best part.

The toughest part is definitely saving the cash and following through with the challenge when it feels inconceivable.

That’s where the following tips on methods to successfully complete your 6 month saving challenge should come in useful:

1. Arrange a savings account

Initially, you’re going to wish somewhere to stash the entire money you’re saving. While you possibly can reserve it under your mattress or in a dresser drawer, you’ll be far more prone to sustain the momentum in the event you deposit your money in a dedicated savings account.

In case you have already got an emergency fund, that’s a terrific place to place this extra cash. In case you don’t, arrange a savings account, preferably an interest bearing account.

Bonus points in the event you automate your funds and arrange an automatic transfer out of your checking account each week. You won’t even must think in regards to the challenge as you complete it!

2. Live below your means

Where is all of this extra cash to place toward your savings going to return from, it is advisable to know? There are a couple of ways you possibly can save quickly, including living below your means and cutting back in your monthly expenses.

By curbing your expenses and living frugally, you’ll end up with extra cash. As a substitute of splurging, dedicate yourself to savings success during this challenge. You’ll likely have loads of money to refill your savings account.

3. Mix it with a no-spend or low-spend challenge

Love a challenge? Why not double up? One other great technique to save more cash, fast, throughout the challenge period is to mix the 6 month money challenge with a no spend challenge or a low-buy 12 months.

During these challenges, you select to spend little to no money on anything that isn’t essential. What is crucial is as much as you, but generally, people cut out things like clothes shopping and eating out.

It’s mainly inconceivable to not lower your expenses during one among these challenges, in order that they surely will help speed up your savings in the event you do one together with a 6 month savings challenge.

4. Set a goal and keep that goal top of mind

Once you begin the challenge, find your why. What’s your reason?

Do you ought to save for school? For a brand new wardrobe? For a down payment on a house?

Whatever your reason, choose it and what you’re going to put your money toward.

Then, ensure that to remind yourself of that goal throughout the challenge. You will likely be sacrificing to finish the challenge. And when you find yourself giving up belongings you prefer to do or buy, you’ll need a reminder of why you’re making those sacrifices.

Try keeping a sticky note along with your goal written on it or save a reminder about it in your phone. Then, you’ll keep your goal at the highest of your mind when the going gets tough.

5. Earn more money

If cutting back in your expenditure isn’t enough to fulfill your savings goals, it’s time to extend your salary.

There are several ways to do that, equivalent to:

 Start a side hustle

Select something that doesn’t have any start-up costs, equivalent to freelancing, graphic design, tutoring, or pet sitting, to maximise your savings amount.

Sell your old stuff

There’s money hidden in your own home where you least expect it. All you have to know is where to look to become profitable from home. Start in your closet to dig out the garments you never wear before raiding your bedside drawers for unused, forgotten gift cards.

Rent your spare room or driveway

Renting is a wonderful technique to earn money fast, especially in the event you live near public transport links. List your automobile parking space or spare room on reputable sites and begin earning pennies.

For instance, you possibly can list your parking spot on or your room for rent on

6. Shop smarter

Who wouldn’t wish to slash their shopping bill and lower your expenses? Well, now you possibly can with the following tips.

  • Select generic brands
  • Only buy what you wish
  • Avoid impulse purchases
  • Substitute meat for vegetables
  • Don’t shop hungry
  • Be mindful of products at eye level on the shelves – they’re put there to tempt you!

Smart shopping doesn’t must stop on the food market. Next time you have to buy any individual a present, consider making something meaningful to provide quite than choosing shop-bought. 

7. Check utility provider deals

Utilities can take up a big a part of your monthly expenses. When attempting to lower your expenses, it’s a wise move to review your current package and take a look at to barter a cheaper price or find a greater deal elsewhere.

Contact your current provider first to see what they’ll offer, then use online comparison sites to match deals elsewhere. You could find that your supplier gives you a greater package to maintain you as a customer.

Be mindful when switching suppliers of any cancellation or early termination fees that might impact the amount of cash you save overall. But attempting to lower your electric bill and other utilities is value it.

8. Review your debts

High-interest debt can badly damage your savings potential. In case you’re serious about saving, you have to tackle debt first.

Start by paying off bank cards fast that you simply pay essentially the most interest on. When you’ve cleared the balance, give attention to the following card and so forth.

Next time you get tempted to make use of your bank card, reach on your debit card or use money as a substitute.

9. Alter your mindset

Our mindset has lots to reply for. It may affect your health, the selections you make in life, and even the way in which you handle money.

If you’ve got negative feelings towards your funds, it’s essential that you simply improve your money mindset before taking up a savings challenge so you’ve got the perfect probability of succeeding.

Using positive affirmations and letting go of past financial mistakes are only two ways you could mentally prepare yourself for the duty of saving money. Believing in yourself can be a strong technique that ought to be practiced day by day when setting yourself a goal.

10. Don’t quit even in the event you slip up throughout the challenge

So that you missed per week…or two or three. Otherwise you were only able to avoid wasting a fraction of what you intended to avoid wasting. Whatever you do, don’t quit!

Being too much of a perfectionist can cause you to procrastinate on tasks or give up when it will be higher to easily move forward and save as much as possible.

Even in the event you don’t complete the challenge “perfectly,” you’ll still come out a winner at the top of the six months.

Imagine in the event you only find yourself saving half of what you intended to avoid wasting. That’s still going to be a thousand dollars (or more) than you’ll have saved in the event you hadn’t even begun the challenge!

And don’t forget, you’ll reap all the opposite advantages of participating within the challenge, too, like organising good saving habits going forward.

Expert tip: Ask a friend to hitch you

Need assistance keeping motivated to fulfill your goal? Ask a friend to hitch you in a 6 month savings challenge. It’s probably the most effective ways to make sure you get there (and rejoice doing it!). Together, you possibly can give you frugal ways to exit and have great entertainment without blowing your budget.

One other top tip is to do your frugal grocery shopping along with friends and buy in bulk. Not only will this prevent money on groceries that you simply purchase, but in addition gas in the event you automotive share to the shop. You could even find that you simply save more cash than in the event you were doing a savings challenge alone!

In case your pals love a contest, arrange a friendly challenge to see who can save essentially the most over a time period.

How can I save $10,000 with a 6 months challenge?

The excellent news is it’s totally achievable to avoid wasting $10,000 in 6 months with a solid 6 month saving plan, some self-restraint, and the best mindset.

To realize your goal, you will have to avoid wasting roughly $1,666 monthly or $385 every week. But smart saving is all about adjusting your plan to fulfill your individual circumstances, income, and expenses.

For instance, if you’ve got a tax bill that’s due during your savings challenge, lower the quantity you place away in that month and put more into your savings fund one other month when you’ve got fewer outgoings. Remember to work it out to the closest dollar so you might be left with the precise $10,000 at the top of your challenge.

As $10,000 is a big sum, the perfect technique to make good progress is to earn extra cash you could put into your savings. In case you have already got a full-time job, you possibly can do some night shift jobs for pennies that may be dedicated to your goal quite than used to pay monthly expenses.

Or in the event you work part-time, why not see in the event you can temporarily increase your hours?

Trying out vision board ideas can be a terrific technique to stay motivated when saving a great amount. Use your favorite colours and pictures that mean something to you and boost your possibilities of success.

So, whether you have to pay an unexpected bill, go traveling or buy a brand new automotive, don’t reach for a bank card. As a substitute, save $10,000 in only 6 months with these money-saving suggestions.

How can I lower your expenses quickly in 6 months?

If you have to get your hands on money quickly, there are particular things you possibly can do to fulfill your 6 month savings goal fast.

Meal prep

Groceries are by far one among the biggest monthly expenses for households, making budget meal prep a terrific place to start out when you have to reduce your outgoings.

Buying ingredients in bulk and batch cooking means that you can save money and time. How? Some consumable items equivalent to rice, pasta, and tinned goods are cheaper in larger quantities.

Portioning food also means you could easily get it out of the fridge or freezer and cook it if you want it. No more late nights cooking after a protracted day at work or wasting food that had spoiled before you had a probability to eat it.

Cut out unnecessary recurring expenses

Any transaction that appears monthly in your bank statement is generally known as a recurring expense. While most kinds of regular payments will include non-negotiable transactions equivalent to a mortgage or a rent split, or loan repayments, there are some that could possibly be reduced or canceled altogether.

Unnecessary payments could possibly be gym memberships, subscription services, or perhaps a buy now, pay later plan that you simply’re still paying off.

Make a listing of all of your recurring expenses and cancel or pause those you possibly can to see how much you possibly can save.

Slash your cellphone bill

Do you already know how much of your allocated cellphone data, minutes, and texts you truly use? In case you don’t use the complete amount, it’s likely that you simply’re overpaying for what you wish.

A straightforward technique to lower your expenses fast is to think about changing your cellphone package and only pay for what you employ.

How can I save $5,000 in 6 months, biweekly?

When trying to avoid wasting $5,000 in 6 months biweekly, consistency is vital. A biweekly budget and saving makes your goals more manageable and keeps you focused on putting money aside quite than spending it.

First, you have to work out what number of biweekly milestones you wish in your savings plan. So, if you ought to save $5,000 in 6 months, there are 13 payments of $385 that can have to be deposited into your separate account. (Since there are about 26 weeks in 6 months.)

Or, in the event you prefer, you possibly can make staggered payments so that you simply pay more on the primary payment milestone of the month and fewer on the second.

4 ways to lower your expenses biweekly

Now you already know exactly how much you have to save, it’s time to work out the way you’re going to do it. Listed here are some ways you could easily unencumber some money.

Adjust your budget

budget is flexible, which suggests that when you ought to increase the quantity you save, you possibly can easily see areas where you possibly can in the reduction of.

Cancel subscriptions

Some people have monthly subscription costs eating up their spare money without even knowing it. Take a have a look at your bank statement and do a search on every transaction over a full month. It’ll highlight any outgoings that you simply’re unaware of and help you cancel them to make use of the cash elsewhere.

Pause eating out

Eating out is a terrific technique to socialize and rejoice with family and friends, but it will probably get expensive in the event you do it frequently. A straightforward technique to avoid wasting of your hard-earned money is to pause or in the reduction of in your restaurant trips.

As a substitute, decide to cook at home and invite your pals over for a feast.

Use discounts

Coupons are a incredible technique to lower your expenses on on a regular basis items equivalent to groceries or toiletries. You could only be saving pennies within the short term, but this soon adds as much as a rather more substantial a part of your monthly budget. Try the perfect coupon web sites to assist you save.

If biweekly saving doesn’t quite be just right for you, try making weekly deposits to your checking account, piggy bank, or savings jar in the event you prefer (remember to money it in safely). You’ll find yourself with the best savings amount but in smaller chunks. This method is ideal for individuals who receives a commission weekly or bi-weekly.

In case you enjoyed learning in regards to the 6 month savings challenge, you’ll like these other ideas!

Loads of good can occur during a 6 month savings challenge!

A 6 month money challenge is known as a challenge for a reason – since it definitely isn’t easy. You’ll need to avoid wasting lots smarter than the 52-week money-saving challenge, but in the event you’ve read this far, it probably means you’re up for it.

Just think, in six months, you’ll be that much closer to reaching your financial goals in the event you start this challenge today! Or you possibly can check out one other kind of challenge, just like the no latest clothes challenge or 30-day challenges for something different!