18 Steps For Getting Your Life Together Starting Now

Do you ever feel like your life isn’t quite as put together as you thought it could be? Don’t worry; you aren’t alone. And while there’s some comfort available in knowing that you simply aren’t behind your peers in getting your life together, it might still feel disheartening. Well, it’s not too late to realize that vision you had in mind!

Most of us had a vision of what maturity would seem like. We’d have a stable job, loads of disposable income, a gorgeous home, and perhaps a somewhat glamorous champagne lifestyle.

Well it’s still possible and you may start making the changes you would like by telling yourself, “I’m getting my life together,” after which by following this “get your life together” checklist to make it occur!

Getting your life together in 18 steps

In case you’re able to get your act together starting today, listed here are 18 easy steps to start!

1. Make a listing of your current circumstances

To choose what you would like your future life to seem like, it’s vital to first acknowledge the current.

In case your life isn’t exactly where you hoped it could be, then it would feel easier to disregard your current circumstances. But you may’t make meaningful change without taking a tough take a look at where you’re today.

First, make a listing of your current circumstances in each area of your life. Areas you would possibly make an observation of are:

  • Your current job
  • Home
  • Funds
  • Love life
  • Friendships
  • Hobbies
  • Health and fitness
  • Your religion or spirituality

Your list should include the whole lot you would like to improve on!

2. Resolve which parts of your life you’re glad with (and which you aren’t)

The following step in getting your life together is deciding which of your current circumstances are exactly where you would like them to be and which aren’t.

First, undergo the list of your current circumstances and indicate which of them you’re glad with. This part is straightforward because you don’t must make any meaningful changes there.

The harder part goes through your list and highlighting the circumstances you aren’t glad with.

Sure, it could be hard to see just what number of parts of your life aren’t where you would like them to be. But now that you simply’ve identified them, you may create an easier life by making a plan to alter them and get your act together.

Also, know that acceptance of where you at the moment are is a large step towards your personal growth.

3. Set specific goals

Once you understand what areas of your life you’d like to alter, you may start setting goals to enhance them.

Once you’re setting goals for yourself, especially financial goal setting, attempt to be as specific as possible. It’s not enough to only resolve you’re going to get your funds so as.

As an alternative, it’s best to set specific financial goals comparable to starting a budget, saving $1,000, or paying off your bank card debt.

Set one or two specific goals for every area of your life. Attempt to have short-term and long-term goals for every aspect that you simply’d prefer to improve.

Some areas may appear harder than others. In spite of everything, how do you set specific and quantifiable short-term goals in your relationships? Well, in that case, you might aim to have a coffee date or phone call with one friend each week.

Once you choose in your goals, ensure to jot down them down. A study by Dr. Gail Matthews shows that you’re 42% more likely to reach the goals you set if you write them down, according to Inc.com.

For an additional boost of motivation, write them down and place them somewhere you’ll see them day by day.

Also, don’t forget how powerful positive morning affirmations might be. So, telling yourself, “I’m getting my life together” or “I even have my life together” can have a big impact on accomplishing your goals!

4. Start small when attempting to get your act together

You may’t get your act together all in at some point.

Somewhat, you’ve gotten to begin small. As you choose what changes you would like to make in your life, break them down into small, bite-sized pieces.

Sure, knowing the right way to save $10,000 is an awesome goal. Nevertheless it’s not one that the majority people can achieve in only just a few months.

As an alternative, set a goal for the way much you would like to save each week, month, or paycheck.

Similarly, start small on the subject of changing your habits. Let’s say one among your goals is to get in higher shape. In case you currently don’t exercise in any respect, then it’s not sustainable to set the goal of understanding six days per week. You’ll burn out pretty quickly that way.

As an alternative, start with one or two days. Once you’re consistently sticking with that, then you definately can add one other day or two. Getting your life together might be achieved by getting 1% higher day by day!

5. Organize your physical space

An enormous a part of getting your life together is getting organized. Often, a disorganized physical space could make you are feeling disorganized in other areas of your life. Imagine waking up within the morning and having a tough time finding your keys because your kitchen is cluttered.

Suddenly, you’re late for work and have higher stress the remaining of the day. And never only is your stress higher at work, but you would possibly even be dreading going home, knowing that you simply’ll must take care of the clutter.

Decluttering your life won’t seem to be it can make a difference on the subject of your funds, your health, or your relationships.

But you’d be surprised just how much you carry that stress and disorganization into other parts of your life. So, ensure you don’t skip this step. Try reading organizational blogs to allow you to.

6. Find the suitable tools to assist with getting your life together

An enormous a part of getting your life together is finding the suitable tools to make use of along the way in which. Irrespective of what goal you’re trying to achieve, there’s probably a tool designed to allow you to get there. Listed below are just a few examples:

Habit trackers

A habit tracker is an app that helps to create latest positive habits. You arrange the habits you would like to work on and schedule how often you would like to do every one. Then, the app reminds you of your habits and permits you to track them.

Budget apps

There are many budget apps designed to allow you to reach your financial goals. You’ll find different apps based in your budgeting style, the goals you’re trying to achieve, and more.

Or try the very best budget templates! Budgeting your money is an enormous a part of self-care and getting your life together!

Fitness trackers

For somebody with health and fitness goals, a fitness tracker is an ideal tool.

First, fitness watches can allow you to track your steps and workouts. Next, fitness tracking apps mean you can track calories out and in.

Project management tool

For anyone starting a business or working on one other big project, a project management tool like Trello or Asana can allow you to get your act together. It permits you to create specific tasks, assign them to different people, and create checklists of things to do along the way in which.


In case your mind is what’s holding you back from reaching your goals, then journaling self care could be just the tool you would like.

Studies have shown that journaling can have significant impacts on both your physical and mental health. It may possibly decrease stress, decrease your possibilities of getting sick, and more.

7. Make a plan in your money as a necessary a part of getting your life together

One of the crucial vital steps on the get your life together checklist is making a plan in your money!

Money is the number one source of stress for a big majority of individuals. It beats out politics, work, and family as a source of stress and has much more significant impacts on younger generations.

Whether or not your goals are financial in nature, knowing the right way to make a financial statement is crucial to your well-being. Hence, getting your funds so as can go a good distance toward helping you get your act together.

8. Get your act together by minimizing stressors

If there’s something in your life that’s stressing you out, it might have a negative impact on many alternative parts of your life. Let’s say you’ve gotten work stress.

Like many individuals, you would possibly bring that stress home with you at night. It may possibly then affect not only your work life but additionally your relationships, health habits, and more.

To start reducing stress in your life, make a listing of the whole lot in your life that causes you stress. Are there any on the list you may eliminate entirely?

You could find that is the case for expensive subscriptions or social obligations that add more stress than they’re price. It could also mean planning ahead for major life events.

Other stressors you just won’t have the ability to eliminate. Examples of those include toxic people at work and relations. And while you may’t eliminate these stressors altogether, you may discover changes you may make to scale back the stress.

9. Discover a mentor

If you’ve gotten big profession goals that you simply haven’t reached, then a mentor could be the proper way to take your life to the following level. A mentor can provide you with profession suggestions or advise you on business goals, introduce you to people within the industry, and work as a sounding board as you come up against profession stressors.

Wondering the right way to discover a mentor? Consider people in your network who’ve offered you advice prior to now. Mentorship is usually a formal arrangement — at times, even a paid one. But it might even be an off-the-cuff friendship with a friend in your industry.

10. Create routines for getting your life together

Routines are the backbone of success. When you’ve gotten routines in place, you now not must depend on willpower to persist with your positive habits and reach your goals.

Take into consideration a habit that comes naturally to you, like getting wearing the morning or brushing your teeth. You don’t must remind yourself to do those things. They’re an element of your each day routine schedule.

You should utilize those self same systems to create other healthy habits and take higher care of yourself. Wish to commit to going for a walk every day?

Find the time when you may do it at the identical time every day. It’s going to turn into an element of your routine, and also you’ll eventually find that it just comes naturally to you.

11. Discover bad habits

Being a human being makes you a creature of habit, even when those habits don’t really serve you. A key step on the get your life together checklist is identifying your bad habits. If we’re being honest, we are able to all admit that now we have some bad habits in our lives which can be holding us back.

Whether it’s staying up late at night watching television, overspending on belongings you don’t need, or something else, it’s likely affecting other parts of your life.

As a primary step, sit down and make a listing of bad habits that could be holding you back in certain areas of your life. Then, provide you with strategies to scale back or eliminate them.

For instance, set boundaries for yourself on how late you stay awake at night. In case you are inclined to overspend on home decor repeatedly, then pamper yourself and add it as a line in your budget so it’s accounted for.

12. Implement the one-minute rule

Do you ever have those tasks which can be in your to-do list for days, weeks, or months, and yet you never appear to get to them? We’ve probably all experienced something similar prior to now.

One easy strategy coined by Gretchen Rubin is called the one-minute rule. This rule states that if something might be done in a single minute or less, you do it immediately.

Setting this rule for yourself helps clear up your to-do list from all of those small tasks that create a mental burden. This might be an awesome step to allow you to with getting your life together!

13. Change your mindset

You could be surprised to listen to that in the event you aren’t reaching your goals, your mindset could be some of the vital things holding you back.

In case you end up repeatedly talking right down to yourself or telling yourself that you simply won’t reach your goals, then there’s a great likelihood that you simply won’t.

But in the event you adopt a positive mindset and truly consider you may reach your goals, then you definately might find it easier to accomplish that.

14. Create a gratitude journal

It’s easy to spend your time specializing in the things which can be going unsuitable in your life. And if you’re working on getting your life together and making big changes, it’s natural to give attention to the negative things.

Unfortunately, this may also drag you down emotionally and induce anxiety. It may possibly cause you to feel like the whole lot goes unsuitable.

A gratitude journal is a superb approach to give attention to the positive and appreciate the little things in your life. Every day, sit down and write down three things in your life that you simply’re grateful for.

Aim to pick three various things every day. They might be as big as your loved ones and friends or as specific as a delicious meal you enjoyed that day.

As you write down what you’re grateful for every day, you’ll find that you simply naturally turn into more optimistic and begin searching for things to be positive about. Try these journal prompts for self discovery in the event you don’t know where to begin.

15. Take motion towards getting your life together

It’s easy to say, “I’m getting my life together,” set goals and write down steps you may take to achieve them, however it’s a completely different thing to take motion and truly complete those steps.

Starting working toward a brand new goal is commonly the toughest step. When you would like to save $1,000, those first few dollars are the toughest since you’re not within the habit of saving. Once you resolve to begin understanding, those first few workouts are the toughest since you’re not used to understanding.

The earlier you are taking motion after setting your goals, the quicker you may get past that first difficult step. When you’ve began, you’ll find that your momentum helps you retain going. An incredible approach to do that is to give attention to difficult yourself to get just a bit bit higher day by day.

16. Track your progress

Once you choose what changes you would like to make in your life, it’s vital that you simply track your progress.

Otherwise, you would possibly never realize whether you’re on the suitable track. In consequence, you would possibly find that you simply never catch up with to your goals.

Tracking your progress helps to be certain that you’re on course together with your goals. It also helps to motivate you as you see yourself progress. There are many tools on the market designed to allow you to track your progress and persist with your goals and habits.

17. Practice mindfulness to know the right way to get your life together

Balancing a profession with family and other obligations can get so busy. If day by day is pure chaos from the moment you open your eyes, ensure so as to add practicing mindfulness to your list.

Mindfulness has many benefits that include eliminating negative thoughts, improving your overall well-being, and boosting your enjoyment of life. Luckily, there are numerous resources to allow you to start with practices like meditation and deep respiratory.

Take a look at apps like Headspace, Calm, or Insight Timer for guided sessions and tools to allow you to incorporate mindfulness into your schedule.

18. Ask for help if obligatory

Sometimes, all you would like is a bit help. Whether you’re searching for advice or emotional support, consult with someone you may trust. They may very well be a friend, member of the family, colleague, therapist, or mentor.

Seek skilled advice or consider therapy in the event you’re scuffling with anxiety, depression, or some other mental health issues. You don’t must undergo this alone. That’s why asking for help can also be a crucial step on the checklist.

Expert tip: Take it one step at a time

As you got down to make changes in your life, remember to give attention to small changes. Whether you’ve gotten a small hill or a steep mountain to climb, small steps can get you there.

It is less complicated to achieve your goals with incremental, sustainable actions than grandiose moves that can leave you burnt out and back to where you began. Working through the steps in your checklist will almost certainly take months or years.

So, be patient with yourself, check back often, and have a good time every progress you make along the way in which.

What does it mean to get your life together?

To get your life together means to take back control of your life so that you’re not derailed by every stressor that comes your way.

It’s a gorgeous place to be – to have organization and stability over most areas of your life. It doesn’t mean life is ideal. But that you’re ready and you may take care of life because it happens.

What’s the very best approach to get your life together?

One of the simplest ways is to follow lay out the series of steps that you must take and start finding strength to face the challenge head on.

Start together with your list of current circumstances, what you’d like to realize to make you glad, after which break out your specific and actionable goals. You already know there are facets of your life you would like to change.

Resolve you’ll do it and begin today. Set a schedule to take a seat down and make a listing of the areas of your life you would like to improve on and go from there.

What do I would like to get my life together?

The excellent news is you don’t must purchase anything to get your life together, you simply must want to alter your life. You could need a pen and paper to begin and a few free apps along the way in which, but nothing expensive.

As you’re employed through determining what is going to truly make you happu, laying out your goals and taking intentional motion, be open to possibilities and use the facility of mindset to remain positive. Stay committed to your goals and ask for help if you need it.

In case you learned rather a lot from reading about the right way to get your life together, try these posts next!

Getting your life together is feasible!

Getting your life together feels unimaginable at times, however it doesn’t must be. There are loads of steps and self improvement ideas you may take to make small changes and convey you a bit closer to your dream life.

You could not have the ability to manage the whole lot in life, but this get your life together checklist will allow you to give attention to the things you may control.

Take motion today by enrolling in our completely free financial courses to work towards your latest goals!