Do You Have To Like Your Tenants?

As a landlord or property owner, the short answer to the query “do you’ve got to love your tenants”, is NO!

In this text I would like to clarify why it isn’t really obligatory to love your tenants or that your tenants such as you.

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Don’t View Tenants As Problems

The first reason most individuals never need to own and manage rental property, is having to take care of people.

Treat your rental property like a business. This helps you type of divorce yourself from the frustrations of coping with tenants.

Click The Video Below to get 10 suggestions to administer bad tenants

Be mindful that, as a landlord or property owner, you’re doing business along with your tenant, so whether or not you want your tenant or not, is neither here nor there.

With that said, we’re all human, so it does make things feel so much smoother in case you and your tenant get together with each other. But really it’s not obligatory, and really not that necessary.

Click HERE for The Landlord’s Guide To Pre-Screening Tenants

Pre-screening tenants, do you have to like your tenants, smart money bro

A very powerful thing is whether or not or not the tenant is an excellent tenant.

Being a “good tenant” has nothing to do with how nice and sort they’re, or how well you get along. A very good tenant is solely one which pays on time and takes excellent care of the property.

Whether or not they’re friendly to you as an individual or in case you like them or dislike them, doesn’t matter.

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Good Ones and Bad Ones

I’ve had really mean tenants that paid on time and took care of my property. I’ve also had the nicest sweetest tenants who never paid on time and left my properties in complete shambles.

Yes, in my 20 years as a landlord, I’ve had some tenants who were more reliable, more punctual, and more independent than others. I’ve had some who’ve literally trashed my property and a few who kept the property spotless.

Click Below to ascertain out 10 suggestions to administer bad tenants

Thankfully, I’ve removed my personal feelings from my relationship with my tenants and the management of my properties.

If you happen to can try this, you’ll last within the business of being a landlord. Nevertheless, not removing your feelings from being a landlord could have you frustrated.

I’ve learned through the years to not be so overly critical of my the people in my properties. Don’t get emotionally invested in the small print and specifics about my personal feelings towards them.

Bottom Line:

Manage your property as a business and don’t take what your tenants do, or fail to do, personally. Everyone is different, and it’s not your call to criticize, get offended, or get frustrated over your tenants behavior.

Do you’ve got to love your tenants? No. Whether you want them and what they do, should never be a difficulty. The larger issue is, “are they good tenants”?

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Eric is the founding father of Smart Money Bro, a blog about empowering people and discussing practical ways abnormal people could be extraordinary with their money. He only writes about things that he has done, and that truly work.

He’s made mistakes and has turned his financial future around and is now within the position to assist others do what he’s done. Read More